Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Help Your Child to Lose Weight?

Is you child obese? Has he or she gained up all the unnecessary weight? Then it is your responsibility to help you child to lose weight because these extra pounds would create lot of health problems for him/her in coming future. Having extra bulge of fats in the body is very harmful for the children as it disturbs their normal growth. There is myth spread among the people that being overweight is good for the children. But, it is absolutely wrong because having healthy weight is recommended, but extra weight gain is not at all good for the health. So, here are some simple tips that will help your child to lose weight.

1. Keep a good check on what your child eats. If your child is eating lots of foods rich in the fats and carbohydrates then your child is certainly going to gain a lot of weight. You need to give your child what’s good for his health, but not in excess.

2. Include fresh fruits and their juices in the daily diet routine of your child. The intake of the fruits will improve the vitamin C concentration in the body, which acts as the fat soluble vitamin. It reduces the deposits of the fats in the body by throwing them out of the body. Fruits improve the metabolism rate and thus the digestion process is augmented leading to the digestion of the fats and doesn’t allow them to get gathered in the body.

3. Cut down the meat intake of your child. Meat is healthy but only when eaten in limited amount. Once in a week intake of the meat is okay, but eating it daily or more than thrice in a week leads to the weight gain. Eating the egg everyday is always shown in many advertisements, but please don’t eat eggs daily as they will lead to the fatness. Alternate day egg intake is healthy.

4. Never keep your child busy by giving something to eat; this certainly leads to the excessive increase in weight. Please make a diet plan for your overweight child and you are one who needs to make for your child follow it. Provide your child with not more than 4 meals in a day and include only those food items that will be beneficial for health but will not promote the weight gain. This will control the weight gain of your child and will soon promote the weight loss when followed for long duration.

5. Promote your child to engage in more physical activity. Don’t allow your child to sit in one place for more duration. Sitting at one place doesn’t burns out the necessary fats, thus these fats gets deposited in the body leading to the weight increase in child. You can do this by engaging your child in sports activities or aerobics. Sending your child for swimming classes can also help to lose weight. Overall improvement in the physical activity of the child is needed in order lose weight.

6. Ask your child to drink adequate amount of water as it will promote the weight loss process. Yes, it may increase the bathroom goings, but will improve the fat combustion in the body. The digestive system is augmented due to the enough amount of the water in the body. It easily digests the fats and throws out the unnecessary fats in the body. Thus, controls the weight gain. As a result the utilization of the stored fats and carbohydrates in being boosted which promotes the weight loss process.

These are the simple tips that will help your overweight child to shed all those extra pounds and stay healthy.

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